Thursday, January 17, 2008

Ne Texas cherche pas

I learned another new thing about my new home yesterday when I met Laurent Fouilloud-Buyat. He's a French Texan - truly! - who has a radio program called FM Houston. On this program, Laurent talks about whatever interests Laurent, which is a lot. He talks about social issues, Houston community organizations, Houston arts, and all with open-minded ease and an eagerness to find things out, to let people know about what's in this city. I feel lucky that I got to spend an hour with him ranting about opera, Mozart, the revolutionary war, and Dallas...but I'm getting ahead of myself. Check out this vibrant young guy's act. Listen to the podcast, or find out more about FMHouston.

Every day I am more convinced that Houston is America's invisible city. How did I not know more about what was here before I arrived?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

laurent is a pompous windbag who is a crashing bore at best